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Local Governing Body

Mission Statement

The Local Governing Body is committed to realising the vision that Rainham School for Girls will become an outstanding provider of education.

Through a proactive process of support and challenge we will strive to ensure that:

  • the potential of every pupil is unlocked
  • the quality of teaching and learning is of the highest standard
  • pupils are offered inspirational and motivational opportunities
  • all pupils are empowered to respond and succeed in a dynamic world

Please click here to view the Governors Impact Statement for 2022-2023


We currently have 13 governors:

  • One Headteacher
  • Two staff governors
  • One parent governor
  • Nine appointed governors
Chair of Governors Kathy Moon, an appointed governor
Vice-Chair of Governors Lacmer Kaur, an appointed governor

Please see the sections on the left for details for our current and recent LGB members.  

If you wish to contact governors, please do so via the school contact details.

Please click here to see our current constitution.


There are four meetings of the full Local Governing Body each academic year.  In addition to this, there are two committees who have delegated responsibility laid out in their terms of reference.

Personnel and Finance

The Committee is focused on ensuring that the school has a well-qualified, valued and highly committed staff, both teaching and support staff, so that the best educational opportunities are offered to all students and the culture of success is supported.

The committee will ensure that:

  • The school’s recruitment and retention practices, which follow safeguarding and safer recruitment guidelines, ensure the appointment of outstanding staff.
  • Staff are valued as individuals and high quality effective continuing professional development offered to enhance their professional skills.
  • High professional standards are maintained through robust performance management and disciplinary systems.
  • The staffing structure and staff performance are annually reviewed and recommendations made to the Pay Committee in line with the Pay Policy

The Committee gives advice on setting and reviewing budgets and providing resources in line with the School Improvement Plan.

The committee will:

  • Monitor the efficient use of funds, ensuring that the school remains solvent.
  • Strive to maximise the effectiveness of the resources available to the students whilst promoting economic use of the school’s budgets.
  • Strive to use the pupil premium to overcome barriers to learning, including reading, writing and mathematics.
  • Ensure that the school premises provide a safe environment in which to learn and work.

Chairs Committee

The Chairs committee is a non-decision making committee, consisting of the Chair and Vice Chair of Governors and the Chair and Vice Chair of each of the committees.  The role of this committee is to have a strategic and co-ordinating role and to decide the priorities of each of the other committees.

In addition to these three committees, there is a Pay Committee who meet once a year to consider and agree pay recommendations.