Careers Year 11
Year 11
Students in year 11 will be researching and learning about a variety of careers. They will be given an opportunity to use the National Careers service and our propriety software ‘e-clips’. Year 11 students will have the opportunity to attend ‘world of work’ sessions with people from the career field they are interested in and there will also be sessions on how to write a good CV, university life, apprenticeships and traineeships. This would be a good year to start collecting evidence for CV’s and personal statements.
All Year 11 students will attend a in-school careers fair with over 30 representatives from further and higher education, local and national businesses and from the service sector. This will be an excellent opportunity to find out about the different ways to achieve qualification. They will also be give the opportunity for a one-to-one interview with a careers advisor, where parents can attend. The careers coordinator will be available at parents’ evenings and can be contacted via the school office.