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Welcome to Rainham School for Girls

Rainham School for Girls represents a culture of high aspiration, high expectation and success. Our aim is to provide an outstanding learning experience for all students within a safe, disciplined and caring environment.

C.A.R.E and Wellbeing

We pride ourselves on our excellent wraparound care.

“Rainham is a happy school. Pupils speak highly about the relationships with staff. Their health, including their mental health, and welfare and well-being are very well supported by the school. ” (Ofsted, 2022)

C.A.R.E and Wellbeing

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🐦‍⬛ We had the pleasure of welcoming Hayley from @Birdwisenk into school last week to speak to the Eco Club. We learnt all about how we can support our native birds to keep them thriving in our area! 💚 Thank you again Hayley - we look forward to seeing you again soon! pic.twitter.com/zaLHOIfXz3



📚 This term's History pop-up library, in conjunction with Rainham library, features a varied selection of stories from history about great women! Tying in with International Women's Day, and a visit from author Jennifer Godfrey, Year 8 have been studying 'Women through time'. pic.twitter.com/jiAuFWPNQu



🚣‍♀️ Last Thursday, students from RSG took part in the annual Secondary School Rowing Tournament. The students did tremendously well, rowing lots of different distances against other schools in Medway! 🏆 Well done to all that were involved! pic.twitter.com/iFUHytx9GH



📝 We had the pleasure of hosting an AMSP Maths Feast this week and welcomed teams of Year 10 students from Rochester Grammar School and The Malling School. There were 4 rounds of challenging problem solving that all students engaged in brilliantly. ⭐️ Well done to all involved! pic.twitter.com/LTpC2A56Ob



🔬 As part of British Science Week 2025, Year 7 Science students took part in "I’m a Scientist". They were able to connect with real life scientists and engineers working in a diverse range of roles. They prepared a range of interesting and thought provoking questions! pic.twitter.com/xH5Sj81ZEc



📣 Are you looking for the perfect venue for your sports, drama or community events? ⏰ Opening hours for lettings: Monday to Friday 16:30 - 22:00 Saturday 08:00 - 22:30 Sundays 08:00 - 20:00 For all enquiries or to book please email: bookings@rainhamgirls-tkat.org pic.twitter.com/oHfF3kgO8k



⭐️ We had 87 Year 9 students take a trip to PGL last weekend. The students had a fantastic time doing a range of activities including, laser tag, giant swing, Jacob's ladder, ambush, zipwire, silent disco and archery. The weather also held out for us which was great! pic.twitter.com/21lDVJZaub



📣 The Parent Forum would like to thank parents and carers for their positive feedback in response to our recent parent mail. We have really enjoyed reading them and have passed so many encouraging words onto our staff. Please do continue to contact us throughout the year! pic.twitter.com/gkuV0RrKIG



🏉 As part of our "Partners with Parents" initiative and as a reward for their outstanding attitude in Core PE lessons, some of our students took part in a Rugby workshop with Gemma and Rich from Medway Rugby Club, one of our parents who reached out to us #parentcollab pic.twitter.com/zz829cvwbR



✨ This year for International Women’s Day, our Year 7 Art students focused on using positive words and affirmations to encourage, support and be kind to ourselves and other women. Words are powerful! #internationalwomensday pic.twitter.com/8fiCUY1QCY



📚 Rainham Reads on World Book Day. Another successful year where students enjoyed lots of fun activities including a visit from the Ghostbusters for a graphic novel writing masterclass! pic.twitter.com/VSebEkrHUb



🌟 Tomorrow during break and lunch outside the Year 7 office, students and staff are welcome to come and browse a wide selection of bookmarks that our ACE ambassadors are selling in aid of Evelina London Children’s Hospital. All bookmarks are £1 and this is cash only please. pic.twitter.com/IO3yoKL153



📚 Happy World Book Day! Throughout the day, students are receiving book recommendations and short readings at the start of each lesson by students from each year group that demonstrate our CARE values. pic.twitter.com/7fC5NVEkgb



📚 With World Book Day coming up this week, we are setting up a book donation/swap box for students to share and donate their books for others to enjoy. Drop off points will be in E6 and the IRC. pic.twitter.com/Dn1QLENT8y



🧪 A-level Chemistry students celebrated the International Day of Women and Girls in Science by joining in with the Global Women's Breakfast. #GWB2025#AcceleratingEquityInScience pic.twitter.com/8WeoevE7MX



🎸 We have started a new web/app based program called Times Table Rockstars this term with years 7 and 8 to help them secure their understanding of their Times Tables at home and improve their confidence in maths. 🏆 These are our top performers this term! pic.twitter.com/yDdLhN3Z9U



✨ The dance department would like to say a HUGE well done to everyone that took part in the dance show. All performers and the tech team were outstanding!  From rehearsals, performing on stage to even the tidy up, all girls were fantastic!  We are SO proud of you all! 💜 pic.twitter.com/isQTGxBBKC



🎉 National data for Sixth Form results were released this week and we have been ranked as the top non-selective for progress amongst all Medway Sixth Forms! 🏆 Our positive A-Level results now place us in the top 12% of schools nationally!! pic.twitter.com/hIPOC5IoJZ



🛜 Today is Safer Internet Day! All this week, students will be presented with an assembly looking at this year’s theme, ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online‘. #SaferInternetDay pic.twitter.com/VeurpEMisq



📣 It was great to see one of our Year 11 students Brooke, who regularly works with the charity Ellie's Angels as one of their Youth Ambassadors, attend the Children's Mental Health Event last week. We are very proud of the hard work she puts in working with this amazing charity. pic.twitter.com/JwtmcVFnOO



“Teachers are knowledgeable and passionate” (Ofsted, 2022)

The curriculum is designed to support the school’s vision of ambition, aspiration and success.
